One World One Heart

Ich nehme an "One World One Heart" teil. Was das ist? Mehr gibt es hier (in Englisch):
I also join "One World One Heart". What that is? Look here for more:
Részt veszek a köv. remek nemzetközi "játékon":

Mein zur Verlosung frei stehendes Filzding ist eine "Filzbox" zum tragen. Oder praktischer Halsschmuck? Es passt vorne ein Lippenstift rein und hinten ist gleich der Spiegel integriert... Sieht aber auch in der Wohnung aufgehängt gut aus und kann auch als Briefkasten für nette Botschaften für den Liebsten/die Liebste dienen.

My giveaway is a "walking feltbox". Or a practical necklace. You can put a lipstick in it and on the other side look into the mirror... Or you hang it up at home and use it as a mail box for sweet messages for your love.

Ezt a sétáltatható nemez nyakbaizét ajánlom fel nyereményként. Elöl belefér egy rúzs, hátul integrálva ott a tükör. De fel is lehet otthon akasztani és szerelmes üzeneteket hagyni benne egymásnak.

Spielregeln: Wer das Ding haben möchte, schreibt mir einen Kommentar zu diesem Beitrag. Wer keinen Blog hat, hinterlässt seine Mailadresse auch noch dazu! Am 12. Februar verrate ich hier den Namen des Gewinners und melde mich bei ihm an der angegeben Mailadresse. (Ohne Adresse, gibt's nix!) Viel Spaß!

If you want to enter this felted jewelry, please write a comment to this topic. If you don't have a blog, don't forget leaving your e-mail address, where I can notify you! On the 12th of February I'll announce who the winner is and I'll contact him/her. Have fun!

Játékszabály: a bigyó azok között kerül kisorsolásra, akik EHHEZ a bejegyzéshez írnak egy kommentárt. Ha nincs webnaplód, amin utolérlek, kérlek hagyd meg az emilcímedet is a kommentárban! Febr. 12-én itt kikiáltom, hogy ki viszi haza a nyereményt és egyben értesítem a nyertest a hátrahagyott elérhetőségén. Jó szórakozást!

192 Kommentare:

Daniela hat gesagt…

Liebe Corinna,
Dein Blog ist ja schön geworden. Ich werde Dich später in meiner Bloggerliste verewigen :o)
Ganz liebe Grüße
Daniela hat gesagt…

na, zu solch einer tollen "filzbox" kann ich natürlich nicht nein sagen. ich nehme sehr,sehr gerne an deiner verlosung teil!
hast du gesehen,dass ich dich auf meinem filzblog verlinkt habe? ich hoffe,das ist dir recht!?
liebe grüsse,

Kati hat gesagt…

Liebe Corinna!

Jaaaaaa...ich will es! :-) Mit unserem Tauschgeschäft hat es ja bisher noch nicht geklappt. Da muss ich zusehen, wie ich an eins Deiner Filzkunstwerke komme!

Gruß und Kuss nach Ungarn,


Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Corinna,

ich bin total begeistert von Deinen wunderschönen Filzobjekten.
Wahre KUnstträume hast du erschaffen.

LG Melanie kipfis(at)

Anonym hat gesagt…

wunderschön liebe Corinna,
es grüßt dich ein begeisterter Fan Deiner Kunstwerke und Besitzer der schönsten Sonne die es gibt.
lg kerstin

Evidence of an Artistic Life hat gesagt…

This is beautioful, and so unique! I have not seen anything like this before. I would love to enter, and please stop by my blog and enter there, too!

Doreen hat gesagt…

So beautiful! I love the colors. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Hermine hat gesagt…

Absolutelty gorgeous, please count me in

Anonym hat gesagt…

very cute i love the colors of it
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine
carolyn h

~Lavender Dreamer~ hat gesagt…

How beautiful! Love the pretty color, too!

Please enter my name and visit my blog to enter my giveaway!

johanna hat gesagt…

oh wie schön ist das denn?? ich drück mir selbst alle daumen, dass ich gewinne:)) die idee ist super und die farbe erst recht! und ich liebe es, wenn sich schön mit praktisch mischt!!

GraceBeading hat gesagt…

Beautiful felting and a very clever idea, I'd love to be included in your drawing.

Thanks for the chance,
Participant #19

Bee hat gesagt…

wow what a fab give away. Please add me to your draw.

Why not pop over to my blog at
and join in my draw.

Hope to see you there.


Aisha hat gesagt…

That's very cute! :D I like it. I could use one.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Please count me inn my niece would that! Do comeon my blog too.

Dawn hat gesagt…

What an incredibly inventive item ~ very nice.
~ Dawn
Alberta, Canada

Oh! and please do drop by my
Gypsy Caravan #539
(ART of Humungous Proportions)

Willa hat gesagt…

Hungary has a tiny bit of my heart forever! I would cherish this.


SuseADoodle hat gesagt…

my online translation software does not translate to Hungarian -- sorry :-(

However, your Walking Feltbox Necklace is gorgeous!!! Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

Saskia hat gesagt…

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so… I created my own blog last week…for all of you…feel free to take a look at my cards and atc’s!

You have a lovely giveaway!! Your felted jewelery is really unique, so cute, so useful,so funny...!!

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it… I can only dream it’s me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


jasmoonbutterfly hat gesagt…

please count me in xxx
jasmoon butterfly (Traceyanne) #794

Tami hat gesagt…

So BEAUTIFUL!!! You are so talented! I love your name for this piece too. You are so creative. Please count me in, thank you!!!

Sanja hat gesagt…

die idee ist wirklich klasse. würde gern in deiner lostrommel landen:-)

Quiltmoose - Dagmar hat gesagt…

Dein "Filzding" ist klasse!!! Das würde ich gerne gewinnen! Bitte wirf meinen Namen mit in deinen Hut :))

Liebe Grüße,

Sue hat gesagt…

Wonderfully inventive and fun! Please include me in your OWOH draw!

*smiles* from Canada!


Patti G. hat gesagt…

Corinna, I love your felted piece! Special and unique!:0) Please count me in on your draw and come play at my blog too! Hugs,Patti

Ann hat gesagt…

What a wonderful gift! Please add my name to your giveaway.

If you haven't already, stop by mine, too (#71).


Sweet giveaway! Please add me for a chance to win

Re hat gesagt…

I'm having so much fun blog-hopping and making friends this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Corinna,
endlich kann ich Deine Filzkunstwerke regelmässig im Blog bewundern. Natürlich werde ich Deine Seite direkt bei den Favoriten speichern.
Liebe Grüße

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wonderful giveaway! I would be thrilled to be chosen as the lucky winner! Thanks for joining the OWOH caravan.
*smiles from Canada!*
Carol :)

acereta hat gesagt…

Beautiful giveaway! Please count me in!

Keron Lee hat gesagt…

I have just discovered your blog because of OWOH – I love the colour of your piece, so vibrant - it’s fabulous! Thanks for your kindness & generosity, sharing your lovely treasure with the rest of the world. Please enter me in your draw.

Please come and visit my blog to enter my give away

warm regards
Keron Lee

Sherry Goodloe hat gesagt…

Hi, I'm Sherry #73 GOT ART? - That is so practical and CUTE! Please enter me in your OWOH giveaway. And when you get a chance, stop by and enter mine as well :)

Unknown hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway gift! Your felting box is very nice.

If you would like a chance to win some hand tatted lace then hop on over to my blog! OWOH #118 :)

Digital Misfit hat gesagt…

Such a beautiful and unusual piece - I love it!
Thank you for hopping aboard the OWOH caravan!
Pop by my blog for a visit and enter my giveaway too at


Unknown hat gesagt…

I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

linea hat gesagt…

Hallo Corinna-
schönmal wieder von dir zu lesen, und dann auch noch mit Verlosung!!
Dass mir deine Sachen gefallen, weißt du bestimmt noch-
ganz liebe Grüße Heike.

Rosa hat gesagt…

Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee! Wow. What beautiful work! Please count me in and come and visit me also. No. 150

sewfunky hat gesagt…

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to enter mine!

Deb hat gesagt…

This is one of the coolest giveaways that I've seen today! So unique. Nice creativity.

And if you haven't already, stop by to say hello.

I’m #508 on the Gypsy Caravan

1000 Blessings of Good Karma to you!

Add me please!

Tina Leavy hat gesagt…

how very nice. would love to be entered in the drawing. thank you. pleased to "meet" you also.
stop by for a visit when you get a chance.

Oakleaf Hollow Primitives hat gesagt…

Beautiful felting! Please enter me! Visit my blog ,too!
Thank you! Nice to meet you!
Arkansas, USA

Artseyanne hat gesagt…

So unusual, please include me in your draw.

RetRomantic hat gesagt…

Please toss my anme in to the drawing to .Thanks. I love your creations. Check my "Bird" in #753

Corrine hat gesagt…

Wonderful giveaway, I love felt, and your art is beautiful. please enter my name and Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Bethel of Bethania hat gesagt…

I love your Giveaway & would love to be included please…
Do pop on over to My Place [if you haven’t already] & see what I’ve got to giveaway too [#768 on the Gypsy Caravan]… OOroo … Bethel … Down Under

Stephanie hat gesagt…

Very creative and FUN! What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.

#813 on the caravan!

AlwaysInspired hat gesagt…

Such a beautiful little piece! Would look very cute hanging in my purse! Please enter me!

. hat gesagt…

Wow!Gorgeous!Please, enter me in the drawing!!

i think i know hat gesagt…

very nice, please enter my name.
cindy 593

Ele at abitofpinkheaven hat gesagt…

I would love to win your giveaway. Thank you for being part of OWOH and if you haven't already, stop by and register for my entry.

Dragonlady hat gesagt…

How adorable, Please enter me...
I am on the caravan too...#167


Mimi hat gesagt…


Please enter me in your giveaway, and if you haven't already, stop by & enter mine!

OWOH #640

hat gesagt…

Please add my name. :o)

Marie Patterson Studio hat gesagt…

very intriguing !!!!!!

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ hat gesagt…

That's so clever and beautiful as well! Please count me in and if you haven't been there yet, please visit my blog for my OWOH giveaway. Thanks!

Anonym hat gesagt…

That's so pretty and whimsical. I'd love to have it so please enter my name.

Olwyn Hughes hat gesagt…

beautiful! i love felting and really like what you have done. i am crossing my fingers!


ps i am doing a giveaway, too, over at #620

Carol Stocker hat gesagt…

This is just the cutest thing I have seen in a long whimsical and practical all at the same time...please enter me in your drawing! Hugs, Carol

Unknown hat gesagt…

Very cute and I like the idea of using it for notes from a love. I'd like to be entered please, thank you.
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Letha Richardson hat gesagt…

I love your little purse. It would be perfect for my computer flash drive, that I am always sitting down somewhere, and not being about to find again. I love the color you have used. It is beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing.
Thanks- Letha
I am also #553 on the OWOH project, or you can catch me on my blog at

Glassgrrl Studios hat gesagt…

Such an original idea, and a delightful design. Please enter me, and come play in my necklace giveaway if you'd like. I'm #310.

Jenn Milt Art hat gesagt…

lovely necklace!!

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

PattiV hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway!!! Please enter me in your drawing and then please stop by and enter mine.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Love your giveaway. Please enter my name and come visit mine.

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul hat gesagt…

Very pretty and clever design!

If you have not already done so-
Come over to my place and sign up too!!!!!!
It's fun!
I'm sharing Swarovski crystals and rhinestones as well as other goodies! I am #26 on the OWOH list!
Amber Dawn

Kathy McElroy hat gesagt…

Great prize! Please add me to your drawing and visit my blog to enter mine.
Gypsy Caravan #492

nfmgirl hat gesagt…

How adorable! Please include me in your drawing. Thank you!

Lisa W. hat gesagt…

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223. :-)

Connie hat gesagt…

cool! please come enter my giveaway too!
connie williams

Anonym hat gesagt…

So wonderful :)

Please add my name to your draw.

Stitchety Grub hat gesagt…

This is so intriguing! :-)
Please include me in your giveaway
Britt in Australia #772

carylsrealm hat gesagt…

Very cool! Please include my name! And stop by my OWOH!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth hat gesagt…

Lovly felting and very practical.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Char hat gesagt…

Hi from Oregon in the US,

This would be great for walking!!

Please enter me in your giveaway and stop by my blog if you have time.


free indeed hat gesagt…

THis is so unique! I've never seen one before but I would love to own one. Thanks for opening this up to everyone.

Ellen Lyn hat gesagt…

How cool is that?!! I would love to be entered in your drawing! Please stop by my blog when you have a second to enter another OWOH giveaway!
Nice to meet you,

Ottilias Veranda hat gesagt…

Ja Ich will Deiner wunderschöne Filzkunstwerke gerne gewinnen! Oh german is not my strongest language...sorry...but I understand when I read.Please sign me in and feel free to visit me in Sweden.

Liisa #014

Rusted Wings hat gesagt…

Lovely offering! Such a unique design!!!
Please count me in and come by and visit my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!

Birgit hat gesagt…

Lovely prize -- thanks for the chance! :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 756 on the caravan :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

What a beautiful piece of felted jewelry you have made.


Janet hat gesagt…

So creative and unusual! I love it! Please add my name to your list, and if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway. I'm #27 on the list.

Latharia hat gesagt…

What a fun felt piece! Please place my name into your drawing! If I am so lucky as to be selected please email me the exciting news at latharia(at)comcast(dot)net! Don't forget to visit my giveaway as well! I am #75 on the caravan!

Rika hat gesagt…

Das sieht toll aus!

Gitta hat gesagt…

Ez nagyon jó! És tetszik az ötlet is, a sorsolás. Ezeket a szép darabokat te csináltad, ugye? Nagyon ügyes vagy.
puszi, Gitta

Caren McNee hat gesagt…

Sieht ja klassse aus! Lovely, please enter me too! I participated last year but this year I’m having a baby, lol! Haven't blogged much recently, but would love to make some new friends!
:) Caren in NZ!

tsduff hat gesagt…

Your felt art is beautiful and creative. Count me in - I like your style.

Oh, and please drop by if you like and enter my late giveaway.

s hyler hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
have a wonderful day,

sandee hat gesagt…

What a clever idea! Count me in!

And if you haven't done so already, please visit my blog for my OWOH giveaway:

Jan hat gesagt…

Awesome. Please count me in! I am participating in OWOH too. My blog is #799, please stop by.

Anonym hat gesagt…

This is so beautiful!! Please feel free to enter my giveaway too!

~*~Patty S hat gesagt…

Hello ~ Your felted purse is beautiful, so original and lovely! I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner. Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Deirdra Doan hat gesagt…

Such a pretty thing!
I will be teaching for the first time at Art and Soul and Artfirberfest. This bloggy world is so much fun with Art every where. Throw my hat into the ring for your giveaway too. And please come see my Blog and my giveaway if you haven't already. January 19th post.

click here for me

My husband has a music giveaway too.
click here for my husband John Doan

Happy New Year and Artful Blessings. hat gesagt…

Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Anonym hat gesagt…

da muß es erst so ein event geben, damit frau in der welt rumkommt;)) dein "ding" finde ich wunderschön, bitte einmal in die lostrommel mit mit und wenn du magst, schaust du auch bei mir vorbei?

Anonym hat gesagt…

What a lovely walking feltbox. That is so practical and wonderful all that the same time. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Lisa hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me! :)Lisa

My Journey to Hope hat gesagt…

Oh, I LOVE your fun giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing & come check out mine, too!


Anonym hat gesagt…

I've never seen anything like this before, but yours is gorgeous. Please put me in the draw.


jet1960 hat gesagt…

This is so beautiful! Please enter me for a chance to win your lovely prize!

OWOH participant #514

Pimpus hat gesagt…

Drága Cori!
Próbálom magam belőni: Gordon tanfolyam Orsival. Rémlik? De itt most nem is ez a lényeg! Gyönyörűek a munkáid. Mesevilág. Ámulok és bámulok! Mindig is tudtam, a zsenik köztünk járnak! Ja, és nem a nyereményre megyek, de le akartam írni, hogy élmény nézegetni a munkáidat:) Puszi!

Debbie hat gesagt…

That's very artistic, Corrina. Count me in please, and if you have a chance, check mine out. #810

artbeckons hat gesagt…

it's very cute! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Roberta hat gesagt…

That is a lovely giveaway! Please count me in as well. Love your work.

Best regards from Slovenia. Take care.

(Mine is #910 if you want to join)

trisha too hat gesagt…

Corinna, this is a wonderful piece--the color is delightful, and i love how it's such a useful thing!

thank you for the opportunity, and thank you for participating in OWOH.
owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend . . .

sandtneal at mfire dot com

SpiritMama hat gesagt…

It's beautiful!
What a wonderful giveaway, thanks for including me!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

jamaise hat gesagt…

Hello from the states!!I love your whimsical little purse!!!

Tammie Lee hat gesagt…

Hello Corinna,
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your felt box is enchanting. I love the little swirl at the end!Maybe I could leave little notes for myself, ha!I would so love winning your gift. Please include me!


cherio1 hat gesagt…

How unique; this is adorable!Please sign me up for your giveaway. Thank you

Doda hat gesagt…

Your felt creations are gorgeous. I'd love to win.
thankyou for visiting me!
Nice to meet you!

Corryna hat gesagt…

What a great gift! I love it and I saw that you make more beautiful felt objects. I also like the way you embellish them.

Astrid Maclean hat gesagt…

Fabulous give away. Please enter me!
Greetings from bonny Scotland

Moonsilk Stitches hat gesagt…

Wunderbar! I love it. Please enter me. Felting is one of my favorite things to do. holme9 at gmail dot com.

Jingle hat gesagt…

This is beautiful! You do amazing work! Please include me in your drawing!

Betty Boogie hat gesagt…

beautiful! I love the colors and the design is very good! see my giveaway too #906

Chris in Oz hat gesagt…


Isn't this a wonderful event??? I'm in for my second year and I'm sure I'll be back for more. Oh, I'd love to be entered for your give-away and if you haven't dropped by my blog yet, then please do, I'm #838 in the Gypsy Caravan.


Art of Jana hat gesagt… is where my giveaway can be found. I would love for you to come visit and comment.

Your jewelry is very unique! Please enter me in Your giveaway as well!

Joanne Huffman hat gesagt…

Your felted vessels are beautiful and full of art and humor. Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you for visiting my blog and entering mine.

Debra hat gesagt…

What beautiful work you do! Please enter me in your giveaway and thanks for visiting mine.

Sandra Evertson hat gesagt…

Amazing work!
Come by and enter my giveaway too!'
Sandra Evertson

Hege-Annie Simonsen hat gesagt…

Your unique work puts a smile on my face! :) I love this! Please enter me!

And if you haven't visited me yet, please do, if you find time. I'm #874 in the gypsy caravan.

Hugs, Hege ~ in Tromsø, Norway. Have a nice weekend! Sunday it's Mother's Day here with us. :)

Story hat gesagt…

i love the idea of leaving little love notes inside it for my husband...what a perfect gift for OneWorldOneHeart. Please include me in your giveaway. Come visit me as well....

techyone hat gesagt…

Beautiful! Thank you.

Sugar and Spice Art Confections hat gesagt…

I LOVE your walking felt box! Very clever!


Rosanna Pereyra hat gesagt…

What a great giveaway! Please add my name.


Gera Scott Chandler hat gesagt…

I LOVE your work- Spirit Bouncers is the perfect description! Please add me to your draw-

Best wishes from Canada-

GreenishLady hat gesagt…

What a beautiful gift you are offering! I would love to enter the giveaway. Thank you so much!

Imelda from Ireland

cindyann hat gesagt…

Love your givaway, please enter me in your drawing. I'm busy trying to visit everyone but I'll be back later to read more of your blog

Jendy hat gesagt…

I would love to be entered into your drawing! If you haven't already, please stop by my blog and enter mine.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hello from Northern Alberta Canada. How unique! Yes, please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
bigsister_val at hotmail dot com

Sarahlé hat gesagt…

How great!! Oh please count me in :) It would be such a treat for me to win...!
Many thanks to you... Have a bright day!


JennaLouiseCreates hat gesagt…

Oh please pick me, I just love the walking feltbox. So pretty! Thanks for stopping at my blog:) Best wishes, Jenna Louise

Unknown hat gesagt…

very pretty and unique! Love the red.
misaacmom {at} gmail {dot} com

BrendaLea, the Prpldy hat gesagt…

What a fabulous felted necklace. Please enter me.

BrendaLea OWOH #754}

Tumbleweed Trails hat gesagt…

I just love your little Walking Feltbax necklace. What an amazing work of art. How creative of you. It looks beautiful. Yes, it is very practical. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight to win. Jody

Stacy/Creativemuse hat gesagt…

I love your Artwork.SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! I am so excited to find your blog! This OWOH event is totally awesome! Thank you for participating and I look forward to visiting again! If you want I have just jumped in and started a blog but didn’t finish in time for the event. Darn it. SO next year for sure!

Sharris145 at roadrunner dot com

Ragamuffin Gal hat gesagt…

So Nice to Meet You!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog is Wonderful! I would love to win your necklace it is beautiful!

papernclay hat gesagt…

your art is amazing! I love felt and your work is exceptional!!!

Our Hands For Hope hat gesagt…

I love your felt work! I'm going to follow you!

demmi hat gesagt…

very nice con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Jona Panesa hat gesagt…

greetings from Philippines. loved your giveaway. please enter me in your drawing.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Das ist ja traumhaft schön - tolle Farbkombi! Ich möchte an der Verlosung teilnehmen. Vielen Dank auch, dass Du bei mir vorbei geschaut hast.

Mel hat gesagt…

How wonderful! I would cherish it!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn hat gesagt…

Hi there! What a unique little creation! Please count me in! Thank you for entering my giveaway also, it was nice to meet you.

Merry hat gesagt…

Oh, I love your work...I will be back for a longer look. Please count me in for the draw.

Lost Aussie hat gesagt…

Greetings from New York. I'd love to enter your giveaway, this is an amazing creation!

LW hat gesagt…

what a wonderful give-away..

Please add my name...

thank you,

martha brown hat gesagt…

This is beautiful!!!Wonderful felting! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!! I'm off now to look around your blog some more!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! hat gesagt…

You do very cool work :) I'd love to win!

Thanks for coming by and entering my contest :)

Jana Nielson hat gesagt…

That is a beautiful piece! I would love for it to come and live with me!

ICQB hat gesagt…

Bitte, enter me!

LRA1 at live dot com

ch hat gesagt…

Beautiful and unique art. Please enter me.
Thank you for visiting and entering my giveaway.

Marie Patterson Studio hat gesagt…

Thak you entering my OWOH giveasway! please enter my name into yur drawing!!

AngieHallHaviland hat gesagt…

OH Your Felted ART is BEAUTIFUL!!

What a FUN event this is….making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :O)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Thank you for stopping by my giveaway! Your work is wonderful! Please enter me to win!

Sara hat gesagt…

please sign me up for your drawing - and thanks for visiting mine...

Jennifer hat gesagt…

Deres arbeid er vakkert.
Jeg elsker de følte bokser. Så i motsetning til alt jeg noensinne har sett.

Takk for at du besøker bloggen min.

Ha en flott dag.

Jeg håper at språket er korrekt. Jeg brukte Google til å oversette. :-)

Dale hat gesagt…

This is so very cool! I just love your beautiful felting here on your blog. Thank you for entering my draw, and please enter me in yours as well :).

*fingers crossed!


Marianne hat gesagt…

Hello from Utah, USA!
Thank you for the nice comments on my blog!
Your giveaway is wonderful!
Have a great day!

ChatElaine hat gesagt…

You make amazine felt vessels, they are mini works of art!! Thank your for your lovely comments and popping by my blog. Please enter me into your draw. Lovely to meet you too.

Rice hat gesagt…

Please include me in your drawing. Very cute. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering mine.

Gina hat gesagt…

I have never seen anything like your bags. Very interesting and unique. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you for entering mine.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Please count me in--thanks! :)

Gave That hat gesagt…

Szia Corinna!
Thank you so much for entering my giveaway and leaving kind words... also for your invitation to enter your giveaway for your beautiful art felt jewelry!!! All of your pieces are amazing--I love the ombre colors. Please enter me too and wishing you much peace, M.

pam q hat gesagt…

This is so cool!!! I looked at your other work too---you are very talented!!!
Thank you for visiting me, #654 on OWOH, earlier today. Please sign me up for your drawing. Thanks!

~marilyn hat gesagt…

Wow, thanks for inviting me to your blog. LOVE your work and would love to be entered in your drawing!

Rosalia hat gesagt…

Hallo Corinna,
habe deine Seite gerade erst entdeckt! Tolle Objekte, bis ins kleinste Detail!
Filzige Grüße
Klaudia Rosalia

Anonym hat gesagt…

OOh, I love your felted work - it's something I'd like to try myself. I'd love to be entered into your drawing. Thanks for entering mine too - lovely to meet you during OWOH.

Wildflowerhouse hat gesagt…

Thank you for visiting my blog.I am enjoying yours. You are very talented, I am just learning felting. Yours is fantastic. I would love to win your offering. Love your music too. Sharon

Unknown hat gesagt…

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Anonym hat gesagt…

Please enter me and if you have not hop on over and enter mine.

Terri hat gesagt…

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cool giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Twisted Hare hat gesagt…

What a cute and unique gift, I think I would hang it on the wall for love notes =)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by Twisted Hare.

Belinda Manning hat gesagt…

WOW. You do some wonderful things with felt. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am amazed at what you do. I is all so lovely. Maybe after the drawings, if neither of us win the lotteries we can work a trade?!

Debra hat gesagt…

Your giveaway is wonderful! Please enter me!

ozlynda hat gesagt…

Your felted piece is wonderful.
I think it would make a great necklace.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at

The Bodhi Chicklet hat gesagt…


Terrielee hat gesagt…

Your felted gifts are *beautiful*! You are so wonderfully creative! I would be delighted if I were to win one of your lovely pieces!
Thank you for visiting my blog too!
Have a wonderful day!
Terrielee :)

KKJD1 hat gesagt…

Beautiful prize! Count me in too, please. Thanks Karen

BunnyKissd hat gesagt…

Very pretty! I'd love to be entered and thank you for entering mine already! Good luck!

Unknown hat gesagt…


Thanks for being so generous and don't forget to visit my blog:

KJ - California

Deb Cox hat gesagt…

amazing felt work! so colorful!

Please enter me in your drawing!
Deb Cox
(glass beads & jewelry)

elsmarlouamrman hat gesagt…

Thank you for an unusual piece. Thanks for the chance in this giveaway!

Sandy hat gesagt…

I'd love to enter your contest.

Donna M. Clark hat gesagt…

I would love to be entered to win this please. Thank you for having this giveaway.

Shariyah hat gesagt…

What a lovely give-away!! Please count me in! If you haven't entered my give-away, please stop by my blog (lucky #1/
and enter to win one of my two prizes! Thank you for participating in this fabulous event, and very nice to meet you :)
Peace & Love

Shariyah (from Waiheke Island, NZ)

Lydia hat gesagt…

Oh, Wow! Love to win!!! Thanks so much for your giveaway! So much talent !

I'll be stopping by later to browse around at leisure. :) #908 Lydia:)

Nelsby hat gesagt…

I just love the philosophy of the OWOH event. Thanks so much for YOUR generous giveaway. I would be thrilled to win!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

Valerie hat gesagt…

Running late tonight so I hope I made the deadline. Thanks!

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan hat gesagt…

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you

Corinna Nitschmann hat gesagt…


Corinna :o)

Kathy McElroy hat gesagt…

You have won my giveaway, caravan number 492.
Please send me your address to

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